Library GeoCoq.Elements.Statements.Book_1

Euclid's Elements

Book I
We present in this file the formalization of the propositions from the first book of Euclid Elements. Our formal proofs are not formalizations of Euclid’s proof, the proof can be very different because we do not use the axiom system of Euclid. The proofs are performed in the context of Tarski's axioms. But we have proven the bi-interpretability with the corresponding Hilbert's axioms, hence the use can choose his favorite axiom system.
The english version of the propositions is imported from the xml version version of Euclid's Elements provided by the Perseus project: The GeoGebra figures have been created by Gianluigi Trivia.
Hence, this file is licenced under in addition to LGPL 3.0.

Proposition 1

On a given finite straight line to construct an equilateral triangle.
We proved this proposition in the context of euclidean geometry without any continuity axiom. It can also be proven more easily assuming a circle-circle intersection axiom, as Euclid implicitly did. Victor Pambuccian has shown that these hypotheses are minimal.

Section Book_1_prop_1_euclidean.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D_euclidean}.

Lemma prop_1_euclidean :
  A B,
   C, Cong A B A C Cong A B B C.
 destruct exists_grid_spec as [SS [U1 [U2 Hgrid]]].
  apply (exists_equilateral_triangle SS U1 U2 Hgrid).

End Book_1_prop_1_euclidean.

Section Book_1_prop_1_circle_circle.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D}.

Lemma prop_1_circle_circle :
  A B,
   C, Cong A B A C Cong A B B C.
unfold circle_circle_bis in H.
destruct (H A B B A A B) as [C [HC1 HC2]];Circle.
unfold OnCircle in ×.

End Book_1_prop_1_circle_circle.

Section Book_1_part_2.

For the next 27 proposition, we do not need the 5th axiom of Euclid, nor any continuity axioms, except for Proposition 22, which needs Circle/Circle intersection axiom

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D}.

Proposition 2

To place at a given point (as an extremity) a straight line equal to a given straight line.

Lemma prop_2 : A B C D, E : Tpoint, Bet A B E Cong B E C D.
  apply segment_construction.

Proposition 3

Given two unequal straight lines, to cut off from the greater a straight line equal to the less.

Lemma prop_3 : A B C D, Le A B C D E : Tpoint, Bet C E D Cong A B C E.

Proposition 4

If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, and have the angles contained by the equal straight lines equal, they will also have the base equal to the base, the triangle will be equal to the triangle, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend.

Lemma prop_4 : A B C A' B' C', CongA A B C A' B' C' Cong B A B' A' Cong B C B' C'
  Cong A C A' C' (A C CongA B A C B' A' C' CongA B C A B' C' A').
  apply l11_49.

Proposition 5

In isosceles triangles the angles at the base are equal to one another, and, if the equal straight lines be produced further, the angles under the base will be equal to one another.

Lemma prop_5_1 : A B C, ¬ Col A B C Cong B A B C CongA B A C B C A.
  apply l11_44_1_a.

Lemma prop_5_2 : A B C A' C', ¬ Col A B C Cong B A B C
  Bet B A A' A A' Bet B C C' C C'
  CongA A' A C C' C A.
  intros A B C A' C'.
  apply l11_13 with B B; auto.
  apply l11_44_1_a; assumption.

Proposition 6

If in a triangle two angles be equal to one another, the sides which subtend the equal angles will also be equal to one another.

Lemma prop_6 : A B C, ¬ Col A B C CongA B A C B C A Cong B A B C.
  apply l11_44_1_b.

Proposition 7

Given two straight lines constructed on a straight line (from its extremities) and meeting in a point, there cannot be constructed on the same straight line (from its extremities), and on the same side of it, two other straight lines meeting in another point and equal to the former two respectively, namely each to that which has the same extremity with it.

Lemma prop_7 : A B C C', Cong A C A C' Cong B C B C' OS A B C C' C = C'.
  intros A B C C' HCongA HCongB HOS.
  assert (HNCol := one_side_not_col123 A B C C' HOS).
  destruct (l11_51 A B C A B C') as [HCongAA [HCongAB HCongAC]]; Cong.
  apply l9_9_bis in HOS.
  destruct (conga__or_out_ts B A C C' HCongAA) as [HOutA|Habs]; [|exfalso; apply HOS; Side].
  destruct (conga__or_out_ts A B C C' HCongAB) as [HOutB|Habs].
    apply (l6_21 A C B C); Col.
  exfalso; apply HOS, Habs.

Proposition 8

If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, and have also the base equal to the base, they will also have the angles equal which are contained by the equal straight lines.

Lemma prop_8 : A B C A' B' C', A B A C B C
       Cong A B A' B' Cong A C A' C' Cong B C B' C'
       CongA B A C B' A' C' CongA A B C A' B' C' CongA B C A B' C' A'.
  apply l11_51.

Proposition 9

To bisect a given rectilineal angle.

Lemma prop_9 : A B C, A B C B
   P : Tpoint, InAngle P A B C CongA P B A P B C.
  apply angle_bisector.

Proposition 10

To bisect a given finite straight line.

Lemma prop_10 : A B, X : Tpoint, Midpoint X A B.
  apply midpoint_existence.

Proposition 11

To draw a straight line at right angles to a given straight line from a given point on it.

Lemma prop_11 : A B C, A B Col A B C X, Perp A B X C.
  intros A B C HAB HCol.
  destruct (not_col_exists A B HAB) as [P HNCol].
  destruct (l10_15 A B C P HCol HNCol) as [X [HPerp HOS]].
   X; assumption.

Proposition 12

To a given infinite straight line, from a given point which is not on it, to draw a perpendicular straight line.

Lemma prop_12 : A B C, ¬ Col A B C
   X : Tpoint, Col A B X Perp A B C X.
  apply l8_18_existence.

Proposition 13

If a straight line set up on a straight line make angles, it will make either two right angles or angles equal to two right angles.

Lemma prop_13 : A B C D P Q R, A B B C B D Bet A B C
  P Q Q R Per P Q R
  SumA A B D D B C A B C SumA P Q R P Q R A B C.
  intros A B C D P Q R HAB HBC HBD HBet HPQ HQR HPer.
    apply bet__suma; auto.
  destruct (ex_suma P Q R P Q R) as [S [T [U HSuma]]]; auto.
  apply conga3_suma__suma with P Q R P Q R S T U; try (apply conga_refl); auto.
  apply conga_line; auto.
  apply (per2_suma__bet P Q R P Q R); assumption.

Proposition 14

If with any straight line, and at a point on it, two straight lines not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles, the two straight lines will be in a straight line with one another.

Lemma prop_14 : A B C D, TS A B C D Per A B C Per A B D Bet C B D.
  intros A B C D HTS HPer1 HPer2.
  apply (per2_suma__bet A B C A B D); trivial.
  apply suma_left_comm.
  split; CongA.
  split; CongA; Side.

Proposition 15

If two straight lines cut one another, they make the vertical angles equal to one another.

Lemma prop_15 : A B C A' C', Bet A B A' A B A' B
  Bet C B C' B C B C'
  CongA A B C A' B C'.
  apply l11_14.

Proposition 16

In any triangle, if one of the sides is produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior and opposite angles.

Lemma prop_16 : A B C D, ¬ Col A B C Bet B A D A D
  LtA A C B C A D LtA A B C C A D.
  apply l11_41.

Proposition 17

In any triangle two angles taken together in any manner are less than two right angles.

Lemma prop_17 : A B C D E F, ¬ Col A B C SumA A B C B C A D E F
  SAMS A B C B C A ¬ Col D E F.
  intros A B C HNCol HSumA.
  - assert_diffs.
    apply sams123231; auto.
  - apply (ncol_suma__ncol A B C); assumption.

Proposition 18

In any triangle the greater side subtends the greater angle.

Lemma prop_18 : A B C, ¬ Col A B C Lt B A B C Lt C A C B
  LtA B C A B A C LtA A B C B A C.
  - apply l11_44_2_a; assumption.
  - apply lta_comm, l11_44_2_a; Col.

Proposition 19

In any triangle the greater angle is subtended by the greater side.

Lemma prop_19 : A B C, ¬ Col A B C LtA B A C B C A LtA B A C A B C
  Lt B C B A Lt C B C A.
  - apply l11_44_2_b; assumption.
  - apply l11_44_2_b; Col.
    apply lta_comm; assumption.

Proposition 20

In any triangle two sides taken together in any manner are greater than the remaining one.

Lemma prop_20 : A B C D E, ¬ Bet A B C SumS A B B C D E Lt A C D E.
  intros A B C D E HNBet HSum.
  destruct (segment_construction A B B C) as [D' [HBet HCong]].
  apply (cong2_lt__lt A C A D'); Cong.
    apply triangle_strict_inequality with B; Cong.
  apply (sums2__cong56 A B B C); trivial.
   A, B, D'; repeat split; Cong.

Proposition 21

If on one of the sides of a triangle, from its extremities, there be constructed two straight lines meeting within the triangle, the straight lines so constructed will be less than the remaining two sides of the triangle, but will contain a greater angle.

Lemma prop_21_1 : A B C D, OS A B C D OS B C A D OS A C B D LtA B A C B D C.
  apply os3__lta.

Lemma prop_21_2 : A B C D A1 A2 D1 D2, OS A B C D OS B C A D OS A C B D
  SumS A B A C A1 A2 SumS D B D C D1 D2 Lt D1 D2 A1 A2.
  intros A B C D A1 A2 D1 D2; intros.
  assert (HNCol : ¬ Col A B C) by (apply one_side_not_col123 with D; assumption).
  destruct (os2__inangle A B C D) as [HAB [HCB [HDB [E [HBet [Heq|HOut]]]]]]; Side.
    subst; exfalso; apply HNCol; ColR.
  assert (A E) by (intro; subst E; apply (one_side_not_col124 A B C D); Col).
  assert (C E) by (intro; subst E; apply (one_side_not_col124 B C A D); Col).
  assert (D E) by (intro; subst E; apply (one_side_not_col124 A C B D); Col).
  assert (Bet B D E).
    apply out2__bet; [apply l6_6, HOut|].
    apply col_one_side_out with A; Col.
    apply invert_one_side, col_one_side with C; Col.
  destruct (ex_sums E B E C) as [P [Q]].
  apply lt_transitivity with P Q.
  - destruct (ex_sums E C E D) as [R [S]].
    apply le_lt34_sums2__lt with D B D C D B R S; Le.
      apply prop_20 with E; Sums.
      intro; apply HNCol; ColR.
    apply sums_assoc_1 with E D E C E B; Sums.
  - destruct (ex_sums A B A E) as [R [S]].
    apply le_lt12_sums2__lt with E B E C R S E C; Le.
      apply prop_20 with A; Sums.
      intro; apply HNCol; ColR.
    apply sums_assoc_2 with A B A E A C; Sums.

Proposition 22

Out of three straight lines, which are equal to three given straight lines, to construct a triangle: thus it is necessary that two of the straight lines taken together in any manner should be greater than the remaining one (cf. I. 20).
This needs Circle/Circle intersection axiom

Lemma prop_22_aux : A B C D E F A' B' E' F' C1 C2 E1,
  SumS A B C D E' F' SumS C D E F A' B' Le E F E' F' Le A B A' B'
  Out A B C1 Cong A C1 C D Bet B A C2 Cong A C2 C D
  Out B A E1 Cong B E1 E F
  Bet C1 E1 C2.
  intros A B C D E F A' B' E' F'; intros.
  assert (Bet C1 A C2) by (assert_diffs; apply l6_2 with B; auto).
  apply not_out_bet.
  intro HOut; destruct HOut as [HC1E1 [HC2E1 [HBet|HBet]]].
  - assert (Bet A C1 E1) by eBetween.
    assert (Bet A E1 B).
      apply out2__bet; trivial.
      apply l6_7 with C1; apply l6_6; trivial.
      assert_diffs; apply bet_out; trivial.
    apply (le__nlt A B A' B'); trivial.
    apply le_lt12_sums2__lt with C D E F A E1 E1 B; Sums; Le.
       C1; split; Cong.
    intro HCong.
    apply HC1E1, between_cong with A; trivial.
    apply cong_transitivity with C D; trivial.
  - assert (Bet A C2 E1) by eBetween.
    assert (Bet B C2 E1) by (assert_diffs; apply l6_2 with A; auto; apply bet_out; Between).
    apply (le__nlt E F E' F'); trivial.
    apply (cong2_lt__lt B C2 B E1); Cong.
      split; [ C2; Cong|].
      intro HCong.
      apply HC2E1, between_cong with B; trivial.
    apply (sums2__cong56 A B C D); trivial; B, A, C2; repeat split; Cong.

Lemma prop_22 : circle_circle_bis A B C D E F A' B' C' D' E' F',
  SumS A B C D E' F' SumS A B E F C' D' SumS C D E F A' B'
  Le E F E' F' Le C D C' D' Le A B A' B'
   P Q R, Cong P Q A B Cong P R C D Cong Q R E F.
  intros Hcc A B C D E F A' B' C' D' E' F' HSum1 HSum2 HSum3 HLe1 HLe2 HLe3.
   A, B.
  destruct (eq_dec_points A B); [|destruct (eq_dec_points C D)]; [| |destruct (eq_dec_points E F)].
  - destruct (segment_construction_0 C D A) as [P HCong].
     P; repeat split; Cong.
    subst B.
    apply cong_transitivity with C D; trivial.
    apply le_anti_symmetry.
      apply (l5_6 C D C' D'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 A A E F); Sums.
      apply (l5_6 E F E' F'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 A A C D); Sums.
  - A; treat_equalities; repeat split; Cong.
    apply le_anti_symmetry.
      apply (l5_6 A B A' B'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 C C E F); Sums.
      apply (l5_6 E F E' F'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 A B C C); Sums.
  - B; treat_equalities; repeat split; Cong.
    apply le_anti_symmetry.
      apply (l5_6 A B A' B'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 C D E E); Sums.
      apply (l5_6 C D C' D'); Cong; apply (sums2__cong56 A B E E); Sums.
  - destruct (segment_construction_3 A B C D) as [C1 [HC1 HC1']]; auto.
    destruct (segment_construction_3 B A E F) as [E1 [HE1 HE1']]; auto.
    destruct (segment_construction B A C D) as [C2 [HC2 HC2']].
    destruct (segment_construction A B E F) as [E2 [HE2 HE2']].
    assert (Bet C1 E1 C2) by (apply (prop_22_aux A B C D E F A' B' E' F'); trivial).
    assert (Bet E1 C1 E2) by (apply (prop_22_aux B A E F C D B' A' C' D'); Sums; Le).
    destruct (Hcc A C1 B E1 E1 C1) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]]; Circle.
      apply bet_inc2__inc with C1 C2; Circle; apply onc__inc, cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
      apply bet_inc2__inc with E1 E2; Circle; apply onc__inc, cong_transitivity with E F; Cong.
     Z; repeat split; Cong.
      apply cong_transitivity with A C1; Cong.
      apply cong_transitivity with B E1; Cong.

Proposition 23

On a given straight line and at a point on it to construct a rectilineal angle equal to a given rectilineal angle.

Lemma prop_23 : A B C A' B', A B A C B C A' B'
   C', CongA A B C A' B' C'.
  intros A B C A' B'.
  destruct (not_col_exists A' B') as [P HNCol]; trivial.
  destruct (angle_construction_2 A B C A' B' P) as [C' [HCongA]]; auto.
   C'; assumption.

Proposition 24

If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, but have the one of the angles contained by the equal straight lines greater than the other, they will also have the base greater than the base.

Lemma prop_24 : A B C D E F, Cong A B D E Cong A C D F LtA F D E C A B
  Lt E F B C.
  apply t18_18.

Proposition 25

If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, but have the base greater than the base, they will also have the one of the angles contained by the equal straight lines greater than the other.

Lemma prop_25 : A B C D E F, A B A C
  Cong A B D E Cong A C D F Lt E F B C
  LtA F D E C A B.
  apply t18_19.

Proposition 26

If two triangles have the two angles equal to two angles respectively, and one side equal to one side, namely, either the side adjoining the equal angles, or that subtending one of the equal angles, they will also have the remaining sides equal to the remaining sides and the remaining angle to the remaining angle.

Lemma prop_26_1 : A B C A' B' C', ¬ Col A B C
       CongA B A C B' A' C' CongA A B C A' B' C' Cong A B A' B'
       Cong A C A' C' Cong B C B' C' CongA A C B A' C' B'.
  apply l11_50_1.

Lemma prop_26_2 : A B C A' B' C', ¬ Col A B C
       CongA B C A B' C' A' CongA A B C A' B' C' Cong A B A' B'
       Cong A C A' C' Cong B C B' C' CongA C A B C' A' B'.
  apply l11_50_2.

Proposition 27

If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the alternate angles equal to one another, the straight lines will be parallel to one another.

Lemma prop_27 : A B C D, TS A C B D CongA B A C D C A Par A B C D.
  apply l12_21_b.

Proposition 28

If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite angle on the same side, or the interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles, the straight lines will be parallel to one another.

Lemma prop_28_1 : A B C D P, Out P A C OS P A B D CongA B A P D C P
  Par A B C D.
  apply l12_22_b.

Lemma prop_28_2 : A B C D P Q R, OS B C A D SumA A B C B C D P Q R Bet P Q R
  Par A B C D.
  intros A B C D P Q R HOS HSumA HBet.
  destruct (segment_construction D C D C) as [D' [HBet' HCong]].
  apply par_left_comm.
  apply par_col_par with D'; Col.
  apply l12_21_b.
  - apply l9_8_2 with D; Side.
    assert (HNCol := one_side_not_col124 B C A D HOS).
    repeat split; Col.
      intro; apply HNCol; ColR.
     C; Col.
  - apply between_symmetry in HBet'.
    assert (HCongA : CongA D' C D P Q R) by (apply conga_line; auto).
    assert (HSumA' : SumA D' C B B C D P Q R).
      apply conga3_suma__suma with D' C B B C D D' C D; CongA; SumA.
    apply sams2_suma2__conga123 with B C D P Q R; trivial;
      apply bet_suma__sams with P Q R; assumption.

End Book_1_part_2.

The following propositions are valid only in Euclidean geometry, except for Proposition 31, which is valid in neutral geometry.

Section Book_1_part_3.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D_euclidean}.

Proposition 29

A straight line falling on parallel straight lines makes the alternate angles equal to one another, the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite angle, and the interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles.

Lemma prop_29_1 : A B C D, TS A C B D Par A B C D CongA B A C D C A.
  apply l12_21_a.

Lemma prop_29_2 : A B C D P, Out P A C OS P A B D Par A B C D
  CongA B A P D C P.
  apply l12_22_a.

Lemma prop_29_3 : A B C D P Q R, OS B C A D Par A B C D SumA A B C B C D P Q R
  Bet P Q R.
  apply alternate_interior__consecutive_interior.
  unfold alternate_interior_angles_postulate.
  apply l12_21_a.

Proposition 30

Straight lines parallel to the same straight line are also parallel to one another.

Lemma prop_30 : A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2, Par A1 A2 B1 B2 Par B1 B2 C1 C2
   Par A1 A2 C1 C2.
  apply par_trans.

End Book_1_part_3.

Section Book_1_part_4.

Proposition 31

Through a given point to draw a straight line parallel to a given straight line.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D}.

Lemma prop_31 : A B P, A B Q, Par A B P Q.
  apply parallel_existence1.

End Book_1_part_4.

Section Book_1_part_5.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D_euclidean}.

Proposition 32

In any triangle, if one of the sides be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles, and the three interior angles of the triangle are equal to two right angles.

Lemma prop_32_1 : A B C D E F, TriSumA A B C D E F Bet D E F.
  apply alternate_interior__triangle.
  unfold alternate_interior_angles_postulate.
  apply l12_21_a.

Lemma prop_32_2 : A B C D, A B B C A C Bet B A D A D
  SumA A B C B C A C A D.
  intros A B C D HAB HBC HAC HBet HAD.
  destruct (ex_trisuma A B C HAB HBC HAC) as [P [Q [R HTri]]].
  assert (Bet P Q R) by (apply (prop_32_1 A B C), HTri).
  destruct HTri as [S [T [U [HSuma1 HSumA2]]]].
  apply conga3_suma__suma with A B C B C A S T U; try (apply conga_refl); auto.
  assert (HCongA : CongA B A D P Q R) by (apply conga_line; auto).
  assert (HSumA' : SumA C A D C A B P Q R).
    apply conga3_suma__suma with C A D C A B B A D; CongA; SumA.
  apply sams2_suma2__conga123 with C A B P Q R; trivial;
    apply bet_suma__sams with P Q R; assumption.

Proposition 33

The straight lines joining equal and parallel straight lines (at the extremities which are) in the same directions (respectively) are themselves also equal and parallel.

Lemma prop_33 : A B C D,
 TS A C B D Par A B C D Cong A B C D
 Cong A B C D Cong A D B C Par A D B C.
  intros A B C D HTS HPAR HC.
  assert (HPara:Parallelogram A B C D) by (unfold Parallelogram;left;unfold Parallelogram_strict;auto).
  assert (T:=plg_cong A B C D HPara).
  assert (HBC:BC) by auto.
  assert (HPar:=plg_par A B C D H2 HBC HPara).
  spliter;repeat split; finish.

Proposition 34

In parallelogrammic areas the opposite sides and angles are equal to one another, and the diameter bisects the areas.

Lemma prop_34_1 : A B C D : Tpoint,
  A B A C B C
  Parallelogram A B C D (CongA A B C C D A CongA B C D D A B) (Cong A B C D Cong A D B C).
  apply plg_conga;auto.
  apply plg_cong;auto.

Proposition 35

Parallelograms which are on the same base and in the same parallels are equal to one another.

Proposition 36

Parallelograms which are on equal bases and in the same parallels are equal to one another.

Proposition 37

Triangles which are on the same base and in the same parallels are equal to one another.

Proposition 38

Triangles which are on equal bases and in the same parallels are equal to one another.

Proposition 39

Equal triangles which are on the same base and on the same side are also in the same parallels.

Proposition 40

Equal triangles which are on equal bases and on the same side are also in the same parallels.

Proposition 41

If a parallelogram have the same base with a triangle and be in the same parallels, the parallelogram is double of the triangle.

Proposition 42

To construct, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given triangle.

Proposition 43

In any parallelogram the complements of the parallelograms about the diameter are equal to one another.

Proposition 44

To a given straight line to apply, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given triangle.

Proposition 45

To construct, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure.

Proposition 46

On a given straight line to describe a square.

Lemma prop_46 : A B, AB C D, Square A B C D.
  exact exists_square.

Proposition 47

In right-angled triangles the square on the side subtending the right angle is equal to the squares on the sides containing the right angle.
This is the Pythagoras theorem. Pythagoras is tied to the parallel postulate, in the sense that we need the parallel postulate to express it. Here, we have a statement based on the geometric definition of addition and multiplication as predicates.

Lemma prop_47 :
      O E E' A B C AC BC AB AC2 BC2 AB2 : Tpoint,
       O E
       Per A C B
       Length O E E' A B AB
       Length O E E' A C AC
       Length O E E' B C BC
       Prod O E E' AC AC AC2
       Prod O E E' BC BC BC2
       Prod O E E' AB AB AB2
       Sum O E E' AC2 BC2 AB2.
exact pythagoras.

Proposition 48

If in a triangle the square on one of the sides be equal to the squares on the remaining two sides of the triangle, the angle contained by the remaining two sides of the triangle is right.