Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Continuity.elementary_continuity_props
Require Export GeoCoq.Axioms.continuity_axioms.
Require Export GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.circles.
Section Elementary_Continuity_Props.
Context `{TE:Tarski_2D}.
Require Export GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.circles.
Section Elementary_Continuity_Props.
Context `{TE:Tarski_2D}.
All these properties are known to be equivalent in an arbitrary Hilbert plane
(Tarski_2D) as shown by Strommer,
but we don't have formalized the proof yet.
We have the following proofs:
Since we have proved the circle-circle continuity axiom to follow from Tarski's axiom of continuity, all these properties do.
- three equivalent variants of the circle-circle continuity axiom;
- three equivalent variants of the line-circle continuity axiom;
- the implication from the circle-circle continuity axiom to the line-circle continuity axiom.
Lemma segment_circle__one_point_line_circle : segment_circle ↔ one_point_line_circle.
unfold segment_circle, one_point_line_circle.
- intros Hsc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet.
destruct (eq_dec_points A B).
unfold InCircle, OnCircle in ×.
∃ A; Cong.
assert (HPIn : InCircle P A B) by (apply bet__le1213; assumption).
destruct (diff_col_ex3 U V P) as [W [HUW [HVW [HPW HCol2]]]]; trivial.
destruct (eq_dec_points A P).
{ subst P.
destruct (segment_construction W A A B) as [Q [HQ1 HQ2]].
destruct (Hsc A B A Q) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]]; trivial.
apply cong__le; Cong.
∃ Z; split; trivial.
destruct (segment_construction W P P A) as [Q0 [HQ01 HQ02]].
destruct (segment_construction P Q0 A B) as [Q [HQ1 HQ2]].
destruct (Hsc A B P Q) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]]; trivial.
apply (l5_6 Q Q0 Q A); Cong.
apply (triangle_reverse_inequality P); Cong.
apply l6_6, bet_out; auto.
∃ Z; split; trivial.
- intros Hoplc A B P Q HPIn HQOut.
destruct (eq_dec_points A B).
unfold InCircle in HPIn; treat_equalities.
∃ A; split; Between; Circle.
destruct (eq_dec_points P Q).
subst Q; ∃ P; split; Between; Circle.
destruct (Cong_dec A B A Q) as [HCong|HNCong].
∃ Q; split; Between; Circle.
assert (HB' : ∃ B', Cong A B A B' ∧ Bet A P B').
{ destruct (eq_dec_points A P).
subst; ∃ B; split; Cong; Between.
destruct (l6_11_existence A A B P) as [B' [HOut HCong]]; auto.
∃ B'; split; Cong.
apply l6_13_1.
apply l6_6, HOut.
apply (l5_6 A P A B); Cong.
destruct HB' as [B' [HCong HBet]].
destruct (Hoplc A B' P Q P) as [Z1 [HCol1 HZ1]]; Col.
assert (HZ1On: OnCircle Z1 A B) by (apply cong_transitivity with A B'; Cong).
clear dependent B'.
destruct (or_bet_out P Z1 Q) as [HBet|[HOut|HNCol]];
[∃ Z1; auto| |exfalso; apply HNCol; Col].
destruct (chord_completion A B Z1 P) as [Z2 [HZ2On HBet]]; trivial.
∃ Z2; split; trivial.
assert (HBet2 : Bet Z1 Z2 Q).
{ apply out2__bet.
apply l6_7 with P; trivial.
apply l6_6, bet_out; auto.
apply (col_inc2_outcs__out A B); Circle.
split; trivial.
Lemma one_point_line_circle__two_points_line_circle :
one_point_line_circle ↔ two_points_line_circle.
unfold one_point_line_circle, two_points_line_circle.
- intros Hoplc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet.
destruct (eq_dec_points P B) as [Heq|HPB].
subst P; ∃ B, B; repeat split; Circle; Between.
destruct (Hoplc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet) as [Z1 [HZ1Col HZ1On]].
∃ Z1.
assert (HPIn : InCircle P A B) by (apply bet__le1213, HBet).
destruct (chord_completion A B Z1 P) as [Z2 [HZ2On HPBet]]; trivial.
assert (Z1 ≠ P).
intro; treat_equalities; apply HPB, between_cong with A; trivial.
∃ Z2; repeat (split; trivial); ColR.
- intros Htplc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet.
destruct (Htplc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet) as [Z [_ [HZ1 [HZ2 _]]]].
∃ Z; auto.
Lemma circle_circle__circle_circle_bis : circle_circle → circle_circle_bis.
intros Hcc A B C D P Q HPOn HPIn HQOn HQIn.
destruct (eq_dec_points P Q).
subst Q; ∃ P; split; assumption.
destruct (chord_completion C D P Q) as [P' [HP'On HBetQ]]; trivial.
destruct (chord_completion A B Q P) as [Q' [HQ'On HBetP]]; trivial.
apply (Hcc A B C D P P'); trivial.
destruct (le_cases A P' A B); trivial.
assert (P' = Q).
{ apply between_equality with Q'.
apply (col_inc_onc2__bet A B); trivial; ColR.
apply cong__le; Cong.
Lemma circle_circle_bis__one_point_line_circle :
circle_circle_bis → one_point_line_circle.
unfold circle_circle_bis, one_point_line_circle.
intros Hcc A B U V P HCol HUV HBet.
destruct (Col_dec U V B) as [|HNCol].
∃ B; split; Circle.
destruct (eq_dec_points A P).
subst P.
destruct (diff_col_ex3 U V A) as [W [HUW [HVW [HPW HCol2]]]]; trivial.
destruct (segment_construction W A A B) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]].
∃ Z; split; trivial; ColR.
destruct (l10_6_existence U V A) as [C HC].
destruct (l10_6_existence U V B) as [D HD].
assert (HBet' : Bet C P D).
apply image_gen_preserves_bet with A P B U V; trivial.
left; split; trivial.
apply image_col, HCol.
assert (HCong : Cong B P D P) by (apply (is_image_col_cong U V); assumption).
assert (HDIn : InCircle D A B).
apply triangle_inequality with P; Cong.
assert (HBIn : InCircle B C D).
apply triangle_inequality with P; Cong.
destruct (Hcc A B C D D B) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]]; Circle.
∃ Z; split; trivial.
apply image_cong_col with A C; trivial.
intro; treat_equalities.
assert (Col A U V) by (apply l10_8, HC).
apply HNCol; ColR.
apply cong_transitivity with A B; trivial.
apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
apply cong_symmetry, l10_10 with U V; assumption.
Lemma circle_circle__circle_circle_two :
circle_circle ↔ circle_circle_two.
unfold circle_circle, circle_circle_two.
{ intros Hcc A B C D P Q.
destruct (eq_dec_points A C).
subst C.
∃ P; ∃ P.
assert (Cong A B A D).
apply le_anti_symmetry.
apply (l5_6 A B A Q); Cong.
apply (l5_6 A P A B); Cong.
assert (Cong A P A B) by (apply cong_transitivity with A D; Cong).
repeat split; trivial.
intro Habs.
destruct Habs.
destruct (Hcc A B C D P Q) as [Z1 [HZ1A HZ1B]]; trivial.
∃ Z1.
destruct (l10_6_existence A C Z1) as [Z2 HZ2].
∃ Z2.
assert (Cong Z1 C Z2 C) by (apply (is_image_col_cong A C Z1 Z2 C); Col).
assert (Cong Z1 A Z2 A) by (apply (is_image_col_cong A C Z1 Z2 A); Col).
repeat split; trivial.
unfold OnCircle in *; eCong.
unfold OnCircle in *; eCong.
intro; subst Z2.
destruct (or_bet_out A C Z1) as [HBet|[HOut|HNCol]].
- apply (lt__nle A B A Q); trivial.
apply l5_6 with A Q A Z1; Cong.
apply triangle_inequality with C; trivial.
apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
- apply (lt__nle A P A B); trivial.
apply l5_6 with A Z1 A P; Cong.
apply triangle_reverse_inequality with C; trivial.
apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
- assert (HCol := l10_8 A C Z1 HZ2); Col.
intros Hcct A B C D P Q.
destruct (Hcct A B C D P Q) as [Z1 [Z2 [HZ1On [HZ1On' _]]]]; trivial.
∃ Z1; auto.
Lemma circle_circle_bis__circle_circle :
circle_circle_bis → circle_circle.
unfold circle_circle.
assert (SC:segment_circle).
assert (T:= circle_circle_bis__one_point_line_circle).
assert (U:= segment_circle__one_point_line_circle).
unfold segment_circle in ×.
destruct (SC A B P Q H2 H3) as [X [HX1 HX2]].
assert (InCircle X C D) by (apply (bet_inc2__inc C D P Q X);auto using onc__inc).
unfold circle_circle_bis in ×.
apply (H A B C D P X);try assumption.
Lemma equilateral_triangle_bis :
circle_circle_bis →
∀ A B,
∃ C, Cong A B A C ∧ Cong A B B C.
unfold circle_circle_bis in H.
destruct (H A B B A A B) as [C [HC1 HC2]];Circle.
∃ C.
unfold OnCircle in ×.
End Elementary_Continuity_Props.