Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Continuity.first_order

Require Export GeoCoq.Axioms.continuity_axioms.

Section first_order.

Context `{Tn:Tarski_neutral_dimensionless}.

Lemma dedekind__fod : dedekind_s_axiom first_order_dedekind.
  intros dedekind Xi Upsilon HXi HUpsilon HA.
  apply dedekind, HA.

This is the FOF predicate with type Type

Inductive FOF0 : Prop Type :=
  eq_fof : A B:Tpoint, FOF0 (A = B)
| bet_fof : A B C, FOF0 (Bet A B C)
| cong_fof : A B C D, FOF0 (Cong A B C D)
| not_fof : P, FOF0 P FOF0 (¬ P)
| and_fof : P Q, FOF0 P FOF0 Q FOF0 (P Q)
| or_fof : P Q, FOF0 P FOF0 Q FOF0 (P Q)
| implies_fof : P Q, FOF0 P FOF0 Q FOF0 (P Q)
| forall_fof : P, ( (A:Tpoint), FOF0 (P A)) FOF0 ( A, P A)
| exists_fof : P, ( (A:Tpoint), FOF0 (P A)) FOF0 ( A, P A).

This is a type whose members describe first-order formulas
This function injects FOF1 into Prop

Fixpoint fof1_prop (F:FOF1) := match F with
  eq_fof1 A BA = B
| bet_fof1 A B CBet A B C
| cong_fof1 A B C DCong A B C D
| not_fof1 F1¬ fof1_prop F1
| and_fof1 F1 F2fof1_prop F1 fof1_prop F2
| or_fof1 F1 F2fof1_prop F1 fof1_prop F2
| implies_fof1 F1 F2fof1_prop F1 fof1_prop F2
| forall_fof1 P A, fof1_prop (P A)
| exists_fof1 P A, fof1_prop (P A) end.

Every first-order formula is equivalent to a Prop built with fof1_prop

Lemma fof0__fof1 : F, FOF0 F { F1 | F fof1_prop F1 }.
  intros F HFOF.
  induction HFOF.
  - (eq_fof1 A B); intuition.
  - (bet_fof1 A B C); intuition.
  - (cong_fof1 A B C D); intuition.
  - destruct IHHFOF as [F1]; (not_fof1 F1); simpl; intuition.
  - destruct IHHFOF1 as [F1]; destruct IHHFOF2 as [F2]; (and_fof1 F1 F2); simpl; intuition.
  - destruct IHHFOF1 as [F1]; destruct IHHFOF2 as [F2]; (or_fof1 F1 F2); simpl; intuition.
  - destruct IHHFOF1 as [F1]; destruct IHHFOF2 as [F2]; (implies_fof1 F1 F2); simpl; intuition.
  - (forall_fof1 (fun Aproj1_sig (X A))).
    simpl; split.
    + intros HP A.
      destruct (X A); simpl.
      apply i, (HP A).
    + intros HF A.
      specialize f with A; specialize HF with A.
      revert HF.
      destruct (X A).
  - (exists_fof1 (fun Aproj1_sig (X A))).
    simpl; split.
    + intro HP.
      destruct HP as [A HP].
      destruct (X A); simpl.
      apply i, HP.
    + intro HF.
      destruct HF as [A HF].
      specialize f with A.
      revert HF.
      destruct (X A).

Every Prop built with fof1_prop is a first-order formula

Lemma fof1__fof0 : F1, FOF0 (fof1_prop F1).
  induction F1; constructor; assumption.

End first_order.