Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Continuity.first_order_dedekind_circle_circle

This proof is inspired by Several topics from geometry, by Franz Rothe

Lemma circle_circle_aux : ( A B C D P Q,
  OnCircle P C D OnCircle Q C D InCircleS P A B OutCircleS Q A B
  OS A C P Q (Col P A C ¬ Col Q A C) (¬ Col P A C Col Q A C )
   Z : Tpoint, OnCircle Z A B OnCircle Z C D)
  intro Haux.
  cut ( A B C D P Q,
  OnCircle P C D OnCircle Q C D InCircleS P A B OutCircleS Q A B
  (¬ Col P A C ¬ Col Q A C) Z : Tpoint, OnCircle Z A B OnCircle Z C D).
  - intros Haux' A B C D P Q HPOn HQOn HPIn HQOut.
    destruct (Cong_dec A P A B).
       P; split; trivial.
    destruct (Cong_dec A B A Q).
       Q; Circle.
    assert (HPInS : InCircleS P A B) by (split; trivial).
    assert (HQOutS : OutCircleS Q A B) by (split; trivial).
    assert (A C).
    { intro; subst C.
      apply (not_and_lt A B A P); split; trivial.
      apply (cong2_lt__lt A B A Q); Cong.
      apply cong_transitivity with A D; Cong.
    assert (C D).
      intro; treat_equalities; apply (not_and_lt A C A B); split; trivial.
    destruct (Col_dec P A C); [|apply Haux' with P Q; auto].
    destruct (Col_dec Q A C); [|apply Haux' with P Q; auto].
    destruct (exists_cong_per A C C D) as [R [HR1 HR2]].
    apply per_not_col in HR1; auto.
    destruct (circle_cases A B R) as [HOn|HNOn].
       R; split; trivial.
    destruct HNOn; [apply Haux' with R Q|apply Haux' with P R]; Col.

  - intros A B C D P Q HPOn HQOn HPIn HQOut HDij.
    destruct (Col_dec P A C) as [HCol|HNCol].
    { destruct HDij.
      apply Haux with P Q; auto.
    destruct (Col_dec Q A C).
      apply Haux with P Q; auto.
    destruct (one_or_two_sides A C P Q); trivial; [|apply Haux with P Q; auto].
    destruct (l10_2_existence A C P) as [P' HP'].
    apply Haux with P' Q; trivial.
      apply cong_transitivity with C P; trivial. apply cong_commutativity, (is_image_col_cong A C); Col.
      apply cong2_lt__lt with A P A B; Cong.
      apply cong_symmetry, cong_commutativity, (is_image_col_cong A C); Col.
     P; split; Side.
    apply l10_14; auto.
    intro; subst; apply HNCol, l10_8, HP'.

Lemma fod__circle_circle : first_order_dedekind circle_circle.
  intro dedekind.
  apply circle_circle_aux.
  intros A B C D P Q HPOn HQOn HPIn HQOut HDij.
  assert (A C).
  { intro; subst C.
    apply (not_and_lt A B A P); split; trivial.
    apply (cong2_lt__lt A B A Q); Cong.
    apply cong_transitivity with A D; Cong.
  assert (P Q) by (intro; apply (not_and_lt A P A B); subst; split; trivial).
  assert (C D) by (intro; treat_equalities; auto).
  assert (HOS : X Y, Bet P X Q Bet P Y Q X P X Q Y P Y Q OS A C X Y).
  { intros X Y; intros.
    destruct HDij as [HOS|[[HP HQ]|[HQ HP]]].
    - apply one_side_transitivity with P; [apply one_side_symmetry|]; apply l9_17 with Q; trivial.
    - apply one_side_transitivity with Q; [apply one_side_symmetry|];
      apply out_one_side_1 with P; Col; apply l6_6, bet_out; auto.
    - apply one_side_transitivity with P; [apply one_side_symmetry|];
      apply out_one_side_1 with Q; Col; apply l6_6, bet_out; Between.
  assert (HNTS : X Y, Bet P Y Q Bet P X Y ¬ TS A C X Y).
  { intros X Y HX HY HTS.
    absurd (TS A C P Q).
    - destruct HDij as [HOS'|[[HCol HNCol]|[HNCol HCol]]]; [apply l9_9_bis; trivial|intro..].
        apply (two_sides_not_col A C P Q); Col.
        apply (two_sides_not_col A C Q P); Col; Side.
    - destruct (eq_dec_points P X); destruct (eq_dec_points Q Y); treat_equalities; trivial.
        apply bet_ts__ts with Y; trivial.
        apply l9_2, bet_ts__ts with X; Side; Between.
        apply bet_ts__ts with Y; trivial; apply l9_2, bet_ts__ts with X; Side; Between.
  assert (HLta : LtA A C P A C Q).
  { apply t18_19; Cong.
      intro; treat_equalities; auto.
      apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
      apply lt_comm, lt_transitivity with A B; trivial.
  assert (HNCol1 : ¬ Col P Q C).
  { intro.
    destruct HDij as [HOS'|[[HCol HNCol]|[HNCol HCol]]];
      [|apply HNCol; assert_diffs; ColR..].
    destruct HLta as [_ HNCongA].
    apply HNCongA, out2__conga.
      apply out_trivial; auto.
    apply col_one_side_out with A; Col; Side.

  assert (Haux : X Y X0 Y0, Bet P Y Q X Y
    OnCircle X0 C D Out C X X0 OnCircle Y0 C D Out C Y Y0 Bet P X Y Lt A X0 A Y0).
  { intros X Y X0 Y0; intros.
    apply t18_18 with C C; Cong.
      apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
    apply lta_comm, (conga_preserves_lta A C X A C Y).
      apply out2__conga; [apply out_trivial|apply l6_6]; auto.
      apply out2__conga; [apply out_trivial|apply l6_6]; auto.
    { apply inangle__lea.
      apply l11_24, in_angle_trans with P.
        repeat split; auto; X; split; Between; right; apply out_trivial; auto.
      apply in_angle_trans2 with Q.
        repeat split; auto.
         Y; split; Between.
        right; apply out_trivial; auto.
      destruct HDij as [HOS'|[[HCol HNCol]|[HNCol HCol]]].
      - apply l11_24, lea_in_angle; Lea; Side.
      - apply out341__inangle; auto.         apply not_bet_out; Col.
        intro; apply (lta__nlea A C P A C Q); trivial.
        apply l11_31_2; auto.
      - apply in_angle_line; auto.         apply between_symmetry, not_out_bet; Col.
        intro; apply (lta__nlea A C P A C Q); trivial.
        apply l11_31_1; auto.
    destruct (conga__or_out_ts A C X Y); trivial.
      absurd (X = Y); trivial; apply (l6_21 P Q C X); ColR.
      apply (HNTS X Y); trivial.

  assert (HR : R, X Y,
    (Bet P X Q ( X0, OnCircle X0 C D Out C X X0 InCircle X0 A B))
    (Bet P Y Q ( Y0, OnCircle Y0 C D Out C Y Y0 OutCircle Y0 A B))
    Bet X R Y).
  { apply dedekind; [repeat constructor..|].
    intros X Y [HX [X0 HX0]] [HY [Y0 HY0]].
    destruct (l5_3 P X Y Q); trivial.
    destruct (eq_dec_points X Y).
      subst; Between.
    apply (lt__nle A Y0 A X0).
      apply (Haux Y X); auto.
    apply le_transitivity with A B; trivial.
  assert (HP : X0, OnCircle X0 C D Out C P X0 InCircle X0 A B).
     P; repeat (split; Circle); apply out_trivial; assert_diffs; auto.
  assert (HQ : Y0, OnCircle Y0 C D Out C Q Y0 OutCircle Y0 A B).
     Q; repeat (split; Circle); apply out_trivial; assert_diffs; auto.
  destruct HR as [R HR].
  assert (HBet : Bet P R Q) by (apply HR; split; Between).
  assert (R C) by (intro; subst; apply HNCol1; Col).
  destruct (onc_exists C D R) as [Z [HZ1 HZ2]]; auto.
   Z; split; trivial.
  assert (A B) by (apply (lt_diff A P), HPIn).
  destruct (circle_cases A B Z) as [|[Habs|Habs]]; trivial; exfalso.

  - assert (Q R).
    { intro; subst R.
      assert (Q = Z) by (apply (onc2_out__eq C D); trivial).
      apply outcs__ninc in HQOut; Circle.
    assert (HNCol2 : ¬ Col C Q R) by (intro; apply HNCol1; ColR).
    assert (HT : T, OnCircle T A B Bet A Z T).
    { destruct (eq_dec_points Z A).
        subst; B; split; Circle; Between.
      destruct (onc_exists A B Z) as [T [HT1 HT2]]; auto.
       T; split; trivial.
      apply l6_13_1; trivial.
      apply (l5_6 A Z A B); Cong; Le.
    destruct HT as [T [HT1 HT2]].
    assert (T Z).
      intro; subst; apply incs__noutc in Habs; apply Habs; Circle.
    destruct (ex_per_cong C R Z Q T Z) as [I [HI1 [HI2 HI3]]]; Col.
    assert (HNCol3 : ¬ Col I Z C) by (apply per_not_col; auto).
    destruct (onc_exists C D I) as [X0 [HX0On HX0Out]]; auto.
    assert (HLt : Lt C X0 C I).
    { destruct (l11_46 I Z C) as [_ HLt]; auto.
        apply (cong2_lt__lt Z C I C); trivial.
          apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
    assert (X0 I) by (intro; apply (nlt C I); subst; assumption).
    assert (HNCol4 : ¬ Col I X0 Z) by (intro; apply (one_side_not_col123 C R I Q); ColR).
    assert (HLt1 : Lt X0 Z I Z).
    { destruct (l11_46 I X0 Z); auto.
      apply bet_acute__obtuse with C; auto.
        apply l6_13_1; [apply l6_6|]; Le.
      assert_diffs; apply cong__acute; auto.
      apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.

    assert (HX0In : InCircleS X0 A B).
    { destruct (le_bet Z T Z X0) as [M [HM1 HM2]].
        apply (l5_6 X0 Z I Z); Cong; Le.
      assert (HMT : M T).
      { intro.
        apply (nlt Z M).
        apply (cong2_lt__lt X0 Z I Z); trivial; [|subst M; apply cong_transitivity with T Z]; Cong.
      apply le1234_lt__lt with A M.
      - apply triangle_inequality with Z; Cong; eBetween.
      - apply (cong2_lt__lt A M A T); Cong.
        assert (Bet A M T) by eBetween.
        split; Le.
        apply HMT, (between_cong A); assumption.
    assert (HX : InAngle X0 R C Q).
    { apply l11_25 with X0 Z Q; try (apply out_trivial); auto.
      apply lea_in_angle.
      - apply t18_19; auto.
          apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
        apply le3456_lt__lt with I Z; trivial.
        apply (l5_6 T Z Q Z); Cong.
        assert (HLe : Le A T A Q) by (apply (l5_6 A B A Q); Cong; Le).
        destruct (eq_dec_points A Z).
          subst; Le.
        destruct (l5_5_1 A T A Q) as [M [HM1 HM2]]; trivial.
        assert (Bet A Z M) by eBetween.
        apply le_transitivity with M Z.
          apply bet__le2313; eBetween.
        apply le_comm, (triangle_reverse_inequality A); Cong.
        apply bet_out; auto.
      - apply invert_one_side, col_one_side with R; Col.
        apply one_side_transitivity with I; Side.
        apply out_one_side; trivial.
        left; apply one_side_not_col123 with Q; trivial.
    destruct HX as [_ [_ [_ [X [HX1 [HX2|HX2]]]]]].
      subst; apply HNCol2; Col.
    assert (X = R).
      apply between_equality with Q; trivial.
      apply HR; split; [eBetween|..]; Between.
       X0; repeat (split; Circle).
    subst; apply HNCol4; ColR.

  - assert (P R).
    { intro; subst R.
      assert (P = Z) by (apply (onc2_out__eq C D); trivial).
      apply incs__noutc in HPIn; Circle.
    assert (HNCol2 : ¬ Col C P R) by (intro; apply HNCol1; ColR).
    destruct (onc_exists A B Z) as [T [HT1 HT2]]; auto.
      apply (lt_diff A B), lt_right_comm, Habs.
    assert (HT3 : Bet A T Z).
    { apply l6_13_1.
        apply l6_6, HT2.
      apply (l5_6 A B A Z); Cong; Le.
    assert (T Z).
      intro; subst; apply outcs__ninc in Habs; apply Habs; Circle.
    destruct (ex_per_cong C R Z P T Z) as [I [HI1 [HI2 HI3]]]; Col.
    assert (HNCol3 : ¬ Col I Z C) by (apply per_not_col; auto).

    destruct (onc_exists C D I) as [Y0 [HY0On HY0Out]]; auto.
    assert (HLt : Lt C Y0 C I).
    { destruct (l11_46 I Z C) as [_ HLt]; auto.
        apply (cong2_lt__lt Z C I C); trivial.
          apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
    assert (Y0 I) by (intro; apply (nlt C I); subst; assumption).
    assert (HNCol4 : ¬ Col I Y0 Z) by (intro; apply (one_side_not_col123 C R I P); ColR).
    assert (HLt1 : Lt Y0 Z I Z).
    { destruct (l11_46 I Y0 Z); auto.
      apply bet_acute__obtuse with C; auto.
        apply l6_13_1; [apply l6_6|]; Le.
      assert_diffs; apply cong__acute; auto.
      apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.

    assert (HY0OutC : OutCircleS Y0 A B).
    { destruct (le_bet Z T Z Y0) as [M [HM1 HM2]].
        apply (l5_6 Y0 Z I Z); Cong; Le.
      assert (HTM : T M).
      { intro.
        apply (nlt Z M).
        apply (cong2_lt__lt Y0 Z I Z); trivial; [|subst M; apply cong_transitivity with T Z]; Cong.
      apply le3456_lt__lt with A M.
      - apply (cong2_lt__lt A T A M); Cong.
        assert (Bet A T M) by eBetween.
        split; Le.
        apply HTM, (between_cong A); assumption.
      - apply (triangle_reverse_inequality Z); Cong.
        assert_diffs; apply l6_6, bet_out; eBetween.
    assert (HY : InAngle Y0 P C R).
    { apply l11_25 with Y0 P Z; try (apply out_trivial); auto.
      apply l11_24, lea_in_angle.
      - apply t18_19; auto.
          apply cong_transitivity with C D; Cong.
        apply le3456_lt__lt with I Z; trivial.
        apply (l5_6 T Z P Z); Cong.
        destruct (le_bet A T A P) as [M [HM1 HM2]].
          apply (l5_6 A P A B); Cong; Le.
        assert (Bet A M Z) by eBetween.
        destruct (eq_dec_points M A).
          treat_equalities; Le.
        apply le_transitivity with M Z.
          apply bet__le2313; eBetween.
        apply le_comm, (triangle_reverse_inequality A); Cong.
        apply l6_6, bet_out; auto.
      - apply invert_one_side, col_one_side with R; Col.
        apply one_side_transitivity with I; Side.
        apply out_one_side; trivial.
        left; apply one_side_not_col123 with P; trivial.
    destruct HY as [_ [_ [_ [Y [HY1 [HY2|HY2]]]]]].
      subst; apply HNCol2; Col.
    assert (Y = R).
      apply between_equality with P; apply between_symmetry; trivial.
      apply HR; split; [Between..| |]; [eBetween|].
       Y0; repeat (split; Circle).
    subst; apply HNCol4; ColR.

End Dedekind_circle_circle.