Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Parallel_postulates.par_perp_perp_TCP

Require Import GeoCoq.Axioms.parallel_postulates.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.perp_bisect.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Ch12_parallel.

Section par_perp_perp_TCP.

Context `{MT:Tarski_2D}.

Lemma inter_dec_plus_par_perp_perp_imply_triangle_circumscription :
intros HID HPTP A B C HNC.
assert (HAB := perp_bisect_existence A B);
destruct HAB as [C1 [C2 HAB]]; try (assert_diffs; assumption).
assert (HAC := perp_bisect_existence A C);
destruct HAC as [B1 [B2 HAC]]; try (assert_diffs; assumption).
assert (HInter := HID B1 B2 C1 C2).
elim HInter; clear HInter; intro HInter.

  destruct HInter as [CC [HCol1 HCol2]].

     CC; split.

      elim (eq_dec_points CC C1); intro HEq; try subst.

        apply perp_bisect_cong_1 with C2; assumption.

        apply perp_bisect_cong_1 with C1.
        apply perp_bisect_sym_1.
        apply perp_bisect_equiv_def in HAB.
        destruct HAB as [I [HPerp HMid]].
        apply perp_bisect_equiv_def.
         I; split; try assumption.
        apply perp_in_sym.
        apply perp_in_col_perp_in with C2; Col.
        apply perp_in_sym.

      elim (eq_dec_points CC B1); intro HEq; try subst.

        apply perp_bisect_cong_1 with B2; assumption.

        apply perp_bisect_cong_1 with B1.
        apply perp_bisect_sym_1.
        apply perp_bisect_equiv_def in HAC.
        destruct HAC as [I [HPerp HMid]].
        apply perp_bisect_equiv_def.
         I; split; try assumption.
        apply perp_in_sym.
        apply perp_in_col_perp_in with B2; Col.
        apply perp_in_sym.

  exfalso; apply HNC.
  assert (HPar : Par B1 B2 C1 C2).

    unfold Par; left.
    repeat split.

      apply perp_bisect_equiv_def in HAC.
      destruct HAC as [I [HPerp HMid]].
      apply perp_in_distinct in HPerp.
      spliter; assumption.

      apply perp_bisect_equiv_def in HAB.
      destruct HAB as [I [HPerp HMid]].
      apply perp_in_distinct in HPerp.
      spliter; assumption.

      apply all_coplanar.

      intro HInter'; apply HInter.
      destruct HInter' as [I HInter'].
       I; assumption.

  clear HInter; clear HNC.
  apply perp_bisect_perp in HAB; apply perp_bisect_perp in HAC.
  assert (HPerp := HPTP B1 B2 C1 C2 A C HPar HAC).
  apply par_id.
  apply l12_9 with C1 C2; finish.

End par_perp_perp_TCP.