Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Parallel_postulates.posidonius_postulate_rah

Require Import GeoCoq.Axioms.parallel_postulates.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.saccheri.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Ch12_parallel.

Section posidonius_postulate_rah.

Context `{T2D:Tarski_2D}.

Lemma posidonius_postulate__rah : posidonius_postulate postulate_of_right_saccheri_quadrilaterals.
intro H.
assert (HF : A1 A2 B1 B2,
             Per A2 A1 B1 Per A1 A2 B2
             Cong A1 B1 A2 B2 OS A1 A2 B1 B2
              A3 B3,
               Col A1 A2 A3 Col B1 B2 B3 Perp A1 A2 A3 B3
               Cong A3 B3 A1 B1).
  destruct H as [A1' [A2' [B1 [B2 [HNC [HNE HF]]]]]].
  destruct (l8_18_existence _ _ _ HNC) as [A1 [HC1 HPerp1]].
  assert (HNC' : ¬ Col A1' A2' B2).
    intro HC2.
    destruct (midpoint_existence B1 B2) as [B3 HB3].
    assert (HNE' : B1 B2) by (intro; treat_equalities; Col).
    assert (HNE'' : B1 B3) by (assert_diffs; auto).
    destruct (l8_18_existence A1' A2' B3) as [A3 [HC4 HPerp3]];
    try (intro; apply HNC; assert_diffs; assert_cols; ColR).
    assert (HCong : Cong A1 B1 A3 B3)
      by (apply HF; Col; Perp; ColR).
    assert (HCong' : Cong B1 B2 B3 B2).
      assert (HNE''' : A3 B2).
        intro; assert (A1 = A3); treat_equalities.
          apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B1; Col.
          apply perp_col0 with A3 B3; Col; Perp.
        assert (HFalse : B3 B1) by (assert_diffs; auto).
        apply HFalse; apply between_cong with A1; Cong.
        unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between.
      assert (HNE'''' : B3 B2).
        intro; assert (A1 = A3); treat_equalities; [|intuition].
        apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B1; Col.
      assert (HNE''''' : A1 B2).
        intro; treat_equalities; apply HNE''';
        apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B3; Col; Perp;
        try (intro; assert_diffs; assert_cols; apply HNC; ColR).
        apply perp_col0 with A1 B1; assert_cols; Col; Perp;
        try (intro; treat_equalities; Col).
      destruct (l11_50_2 B1 A1 B2 B3 A3 B2);
      try solve[unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Cong].

        intro H.
        assert (A1 = B2); auto.
        apply perp_sym in HPerp1.
        elim (perp_not_col2 _ _ _ _ HPerp1); intro H';
        [apply l6_21 with A1 B1 A1' A2'|apply l6_21 with A1 B1 A2' A1'];
        assert_diffs; Col; assert_cols; ColR.

        apply out_conga with A3 B3 A3 B3;
        try apply conga_refl; try apply out_trivial; auto; do 2(split; auto);
        [|unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between].
        left; apply col_two_sides_bet with B3;
        [assert_diffs; assert_cols; ColR|apply l9_2; apply l9_8_2 with B1].

          split; [intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
                  try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR|].
          split; [intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
                  try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR|].
           B3; split; Col; unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; auto.

          apply l12_6; apply par_not_col_strict with B1; Col;
          try (apply l12_9 with A1' A2'; Perp).
          intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
          try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR.

        apply l11_16; try apply perp_per_1; try solve[assert_diffs; auto];
        apply perp_col0 with A1' A2'; Perp; ColR.
    assert (HFalse : B3 B1) by (assert_diffs; auto).
    apply HFalse; apply between_cong with B2; Cong.
    unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between.
  destruct (l8_18_existence A1' A2' B2) as [A2 [HC2 HPerp2]]; Col.
  assert (HNE' : A1 A2).
    intro; treat_equalities.
    assert (HCong : Cong A1 B1 A1 B2) by (apply HF; Col; Perp).
    assert (HC2 : Col A1 B1 B2) by (apply perp_perp_col with A1' A2'; Perp).
    elim (l7_20 A1 B1 B2); Col; intro HMid.
    destruct (midpoint_existence A1 B1) as [M HM].
    elim (l7_20 A1 B1 M); try apply HF; Col; Perp; try (ColR);
    try (apply perp_col0 with A1 B1; assert_diffs; Col; Perp).
    intro; treat_equalities; intuition.
    assert (HX : MA1) by auto.
    apply HX.
    apply between_equality with B1;
    unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between.
   A1, A2, B1, B2.
  split; [|split; [|split; [apply HF; Col; Perp|split]]];
  try (apply l8_2; apply perp_per_2; apply perp_col0 with A1' A2'; Perp).

    apply not_two_sides_one_side; auto; intro HTS;
    try (apply HNC; ColR); try (apply HNC'; ColR).
    destruct HTS as [HNC'' [_ [I [HC3 HBet]]]].
    destruct (midpoint_existence B1 I) as [B3 HB3].
    assert (HNE'' : B1 I) by (intro; treat_equalities; Col).
    destruct (l8_18_existence A1' A2' B3) as [A3 [HC4 HPerp3]];
    try (intro; apply HNC; assert_diffs; assert_cols; ColR).
    assert (HCong : Cong A1 B1 A3 B3)
      by (apply HF; Col; Perp; ColR).
    assert (HCong' : Cong B1 I B3 I).
      assert (HNE''' : A3 I).
        intro; assert (A1 = A3); treat_equalities.
          apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B1; Col.
          apply perp_col0 with A3 B3; Col; Perp.
        apply HNE'; apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B2; Col.
        apply perp_col0 with A1 B1; Col; Perp; intro; treat_equalities; Col.
      assert (HNE'''' : B3 I).
        intro; assert (A1 = A3); treat_equalities; [|intuition].
        apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B1; Col.
      assert (HNE''''' : A1 I).
        intro; treat_equalities; apply HNE';
        apply l8_18_uniqueness with A1' A2' B2; Col; Perp.
        apply perp_col0 with A1 B1; assert_cols; Col; Perp.
        intro; treat_equalities; Col.
      destruct (l11_50_2 B1 A1 I B3 A3 I);
      try solve[unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Cong].

        intro H.
        assert (A1 = I); auto.
        apply perp_sym in HPerp1.
        elim (perp_not_col2 _ _ _ _ HPerp1); intro H';
        [apply l6_21 with A1 B1 A1' A2'|apply l6_21 with A1 B1 A2' A1'];
        assert_diffs; Col; assert_cols; ColR.

        apply out_conga with A3 B3 A3 B3;
        try apply conga_refl; try apply out_trivial; auto; do 2(split; auto);
        [|unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between].
        left; apply col_two_sides_bet with B3;
        [assert_diffs; assert_cols; ColR|apply l9_2; apply l9_8_2 with B1].

          split; [intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
                  try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR|].
          split; [intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
                  try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR|].
           B3; split; Col; unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; auto.

          apply l12_6; apply par_not_col_strict with B1; Col;
          try (apply l12_9 with A1' A2'; Perp).
          intro; apply HNE'''; apply l6_21 with A1' A2' B1 B3; Col;
          try (intro; treat_equalities; auto); ColR.

        apply l11_16; try apply perp_per_1; try solve[assert_diffs; auto];
        apply perp_col0 with A1' A2'; Perp; ColR.
    assert (HFalse : B3 B1) by (assert_diffs; auto).
    apply HFalse; apply between_cong with I; Cong.
    unfold Midpoint in *; spliter; Between.

    intros A3 B3 HC3 HC4 HPerp3.
    apply HF; Col; Perp.
    apply perp_sym; apply perp_col0 with A1 A2; assert_diffs; Col; ColR.
destruct HF as [A [D [B [C [HPer1 [HPer2 [HCong [HOS posid]]]]]]]].
assert (HSac : Saccheri A B C D) by repeat (split; finish).
apply (per_sac__rah A B C D); auto.
destruct (midpoint_existence B C) as [M HM].
destruct (midpoint_existence A D) as [N HN].
assert(HPerp := mid2_sac__perp_lower A B C D M N HSac HM HN).
assert(Hdiff := sac_distincts A B C D HSac).
apply (t22_7__per _ _ _ D M N); Between;
[apply perp_per_1; auto; apply (perp_col1 _ _ _ D); Col; Perp|
apply cong_left_commutativity; apply posid; Col; Perp].

End posidonius_postulate_rah.