Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Parallel_postulates.tarski_playfair

Require Import GeoCoq.Axioms.parallel_postulates.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Ch12_parallel.

Section tarski_playfair.

Context `{T2D:Tarski_2D}.

Lemma tarski_s_euclid_implies_playfair :
assert (HAux: tarski_s_parallel_postulate
   A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 P, ¬ Col P A1 A2
  Par A1 A2 B1 B2 Col P B1 B2
  Par A1 A2 C1 C2 Col P C1 C2
  Col C1 B1 B2 Col C2 B1 B2).
intros HTE; intros.
apply par_distincts in H0.
apply par_distincts in H2.
assert(HPar1 : Par_strict A1 A2 B1 B2) by (apply (par_not_col_strict _ _ _ _ P); Col; intro; apply H; Col).
assert(HPar2 : Par_strict A1 A2 C1 C2) by (apply (par_not_col_strict _ _ _ _ P); Col; intro; apply H; Col).
elim (line_dec B1 B2 C1 C2); intro HLine.


  assert (HLineNew : ¬ Col C1 B1 B2 ¬ Col C2 B1 B2) by (induction (Col_dec C1 B1 B2); induction (Col_dec C2 B1 B2);tauto).
  clear HLine; rename HLineNew into HLine.
  assert(HC' : C', Col C1 C2 C' TS B1 B2 A1 C').
    elim HLine; clear HLine; intro HNC;
    [destruct (not_par_other_side B1 B2 C1 C2 P A1) as [C' [HCol HTS]]|
     destruct (not_par_other_side B1 B2 C2 C1 P A1) as [C' [HCol HTS]]];
    try C'; Col; intro; apply HPar1; A1; Col.
  ex_and HC' C'.
  unfold TS in H9.
  assert (¬ Col A1 B1 B2) by (spliter; auto).
  ex_and H12 B.
  double C' P C.
  unfold Midpoint in H14.
  assert(HD : D, Bet B D C Bet P D A1) by (apply inner_pasch with C'; Between).
  ex_and HD D.
  assert(C' P) by (intro; subst C'; contradiction).
  assert (Par A1 A2 C' P) by (apply par_col2_par with C1 C2; Col).
  assert(HPar3 : Par_strict A1 A2 C' P) by (apply (par_not_col_strict _ _ _ _ P); Col).
  assert(B P).
    subst B.
    apply (par_not_col _ _ _ _ A1) in HPar3.
      apply HPar3; Col.
  assert(P C).
  assert(Col B P B1) by ColR.
  assert(Col B P B2) by ColR.
  assert(Col C' P C1) by ColR.
  assert(Col C P C1) by (assert_cols;ColR).
  assert(Col C' P C2) by ColR.
  assert(Col C P C2) by (assert_cols;ColR).

  assert(¬Col B P C)
    by (intro;apply H11;assert_cols;ColR).

  assert(P D) by (intro; subst D; apply bet_col in H16; contradiction).
  assert(HE := HTE P B C D A1 H17 H16 H29).
  ex_and HE X; ex_and H30 Y.
  assert(Hx := l12_6 A1 A2 P X).

  assert (PX)
    by (intro;treat_equalities;intuition).

  assert(Par_strict A1 A2 P X) by (apply (par_strict_col2_par_strict _ _ B1 B2); Col; apply col3 with B P; Col).
  apply Hx in H34.
  assert(Hy := l12_6 A1 A2 P Y).

  assert (PY)
    by (intro;treat_equalities;intuition).

  assert(HPar4 : Par_strict A1 A2 P Y) by (apply (par_strict_col2_par_strict _ _ C1 C2); Col; apply (col3 C P); Col).
  apply Hy in HPar4.
  assert(HOS : OS A1 A2 X Y)
     by (apply one_side_transitivity with P; try assumption; unfold OS in *; ex_and H34 Z; Z; split; assumption).
  assert(Ho := HOS).
  unfold OS in HOS.
  ex_and HOS Z.
  unfold TS in H36.
  unfold TS in H37.
  assert(HTS : TS A1 A2 X Y) by (unfold TS; repeat split; try assumption; A1; split; Col).
  apply l9_9 in HTS.
intros HTE A1; intros.
assert( A1 A2 B1 B2) by (apply par_distinct;auto).
assert( A1 A2 C1 C2) by (apply par_distinct;auto).
clear H4.
induction(Col_dec P A1 A2).
If P is one line A1A2 then line A1A2=B1B2=C1C2 and we can conclude.
  induction H.

    apply H.
    split; Col.

    induction H1.

      apply H1.
      split; Col.

In the other case we use the previous lemma.
  apply (HAux HTE A1 A2 _ _ _ _ P); auto.

End tarski_playfair.