Library GeoCoq.Meta_theory.Parallel_postulates.weak_inverse_projection_postulate_weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate
Require Import GeoCoq.Axioms.parallel_postulates.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.suma.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Ch12_parallel.
Section weak_inverse_projection_postulate_weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate.
Context `{T2D:Tarski_2D}.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.suma.
Require Import GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Ch12_parallel.
Section weak_inverse_projection_postulate_weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate.
Context `{T2D:Tarski_2D}.
Formalization of a proof from Bachmann's article "Zur Parallelenfrage"
Lemma weak_inverse_projection_postulate__weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate_aux :
∀ A B C P T,
Per A B C → InAngle T A B C → CongA P B A P B C → Per B P T →
InAngle P A B C.
intros A B C P T HPer HInangle HConga HPerP.
destruct (eq_dec_points P T).
subst; apply HInangle.
destruct (angle_bisector A B C) as [P' [HInangle' HConga']]; auto.
assert (HAcute : Acute P' B A).
apply acute_sym, conga_inangle_per__acute with C; trivial.
apply l11_25 with P' A C; try (apply out_trivial); auto.
assert (HNCol1 : ¬ Col A B C) by (apply per_not_col; auto).
assert (HCol : Col B P P').
apply conga2__col with A C; trivial; intro; apply HNCol1; Col.
apply (acute_col_perp__out T); Col.
{ apply acute_lea_acute with P' B A; trivial.
assert (HNCol2 : ¬ Col P' B A).
assert (Col P' B C) by (apply (col_conga_col P' B A); assumption).
apply HNCol1; ColR.
destruct (Col_dec T B P'); [|assert_diffs; destruct (one_or_two_sides B P' A T); Col].
- apply l11_31_1; auto.
apply col_one_side_out with A; Col.
apply invert_one_side, inangle_one_side with C; Col.
assert (¬ Col B P T) by (apply per_not_col; auto).
intro; assert_diffs; apply HNCol2; ColR.
- apply (l11_30 P' B T P' B C); CongA.
∃ T; split; CongA.
apply l11_24 in HInangle; apply l11_24 in HInangle'.
destruct (Col_dec B C T).
apply out341__inangle; auto.
apply col_in_angle_out with A; Col.
intro; apply HNCol1; Col.
assert (HNCol3 : ¬ Col P' B C) by (apply (ncol_conga_ncol P' B A); assumption).
apply os2__inangle.
∃ A; split; Side.
apply invert_two_sides, in_angle_two_sides; Col.
apply invert_one_side, inangle_one_side with A; Col.
- ∃ T; split; CongA.
destruct (Col_dec B A T).
apply out341__inangle; auto.
apply col_in_angle_out with C; Col.
intro; apply HNCol1; Col.
apply os2__inangle; trivial.
apply invert_one_side, inangle_one_side with C; Col.
apply perp_col with P; Col.
apply perp_right_comm, per_perp; auto.
Lemma weak_inverse_projection_postulate__weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate :
weak_inverse_projection_postulate → weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate.
intro wipp.
cut (∀ A B C P T,
Per A B C → InAngle T A B C →
P ≠ T → CongA P B A P B C → Per B P T →
∃ X Y, Out B A X ∧ Col T P X ∧ Out B C Y ∧ Col T P Y).
intros rabp A B C T HPer HInAngle.
destruct (angle_bisector A B C) as [P0 [HIn HConga]]; auto.
assert (HNCol1 : ¬ Col A B C) by (apply per_not_col; auto).
assert (HNCol2 : ¬ Col P0 B A).
{ assert (SumA P0 B A P0 B A A B C) by (apply (conga3_suma__suma A B P0 P0 B C A B C); CongA; SumA).
intro; apply HNCol1, (col2_suma__col P0 B A P0 B A); assumption.
assert (HXY : ∃ X Y, Out B A X ∧ Out B C Y ∧ Col X T Y).
{ destruct (Col_dec B P0 T).
- assert (HT' : ∃ T', InAngle T' A B C ∧ Perp B T T T').
{ destruct (l10_15 B P0 T A) as [T0 [HPerp HOS]]; Col.
destruct (inangle__ex_col_inangle A B C T T0) as [T' [HT1 [HT2 HT3]]]; trivial.
intro; apply HNCol1; Col.
∃ T'; split; trivial.
apply perp_col with P0; Col.
apply perp_col1 with T0; Perp.
destruct HT' as [T' []].
destruct (rabp A B C T T') as [X [Y]]; Perp.
apply col_conga__conga with P0; auto.
spliter; ∃ X, Y; repeat (split; trivial); ColR.
- destruct (l8_18_existence B P0 T) as [P [HP1 HP2]]; trivial.
assert (Out B P P0).
apply (acute_col_perp__out T); trivial.
apply acute_sym, conga_inangle2_per__acute with A C; trivial.
destruct (rabp A B C P T) as [X [Y]]; auto.
apply col_conga__conga with P0; auto.
apply perp_per_1, perp_left_comm, perp_col with P0; auto.
spliter; ∃ X, Y; repeat (split; trivial); ColR.
destruct HXY as [X [Y [HOutX [HOutY HCol]]]].
assert (X ≠ Y) by (intro; subst; apply HNCol1; ColR).
∃ X, Y; repeat (split; trivial).
destruct (eq_dec_points T X) as [HTX|HTX]; try (subst; Between).
destruct (eq_dec_points T Y) as [HTY|HTY]; try (subst; Between).
apply out2__bet.
- apply col_one_side_out with B; trivial.
apply invert_one_side, col_one_side with A; Col.
apply out_out_one_side with C; trivial.
apply invert_one_side, in_angle_one_side; Col.
intro; apply HTX, (l6_21 A B Y X); Col.
intro; subst; apply HNCol1; ColR.
- apply col_one_side_out with B; Col.
apply invert_one_side, col_one_side with C; Col.
apply one_side_symmetry, out_out_one_side with A; trivial.
apply invert_one_side, in_angle_one_side; (try apply l11_24); Col.
intro; apply HTY, (l6_21 B C X Y); Col.
intro; subst; apply HNCol1; ColR.
intros A B C P T HPer HInangle HPT HConga HPerP.
assert (HIn : InAngle P A B C) by (apply conga_inangle_per2__inangle with T; assumption).
assert (HSumA : SumA P B A P B A A B C).
apply (conga3_suma__suma A B P P B C A B C); CongA; SumA.
assert (HAcute : Acute P B A) by (apply acute_sym, conga_inangle_per__acute with C; assumption).
assert (HOut : Out B P P) by (apply out_trivial; auto).
destruct (wipp P B A A B C P T) as [X [HX1 HX2]]; trivial.
destruct (wipp P B C C B A P T) as [Y [HY1 HY2]]; Perp.
apply (acute_conga__acute P B A); assumption.
apply (conga3_suma__suma P B A P B A A B C); CongA.
∃ X, Y; repeat (split; Col).
End weak_inverse_projection_postulate_weak_tarski_s_parallel_postulate.