Library GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.midpoint_theorems

Require Export GeoCoq.Tarski_dev.Annexes.quadrilaterals_inter_dec.

Ltac assert_all := treat_equalities; assert_cols_perm; assert_diffs; assert_congs_perm.

Section TriangleMidpointsTheorems.

Context `{TE:Tarski_2D_euclidean}.

Lemma col_permut132 : A B C, Col A B C Col A C B.
Proof. exact col_permutation_5. Qed.

Lemma col_permut213 : A B C, Col A B C Col B A C.
Proof. exact col_permutation_4. Qed.

Lemma col_permut231 : A B C, Col A B C Col B C A.
Proof. exact col_permutation_1. Qed.

Lemma col_permut312 : A B C, Col A B C Col C A B.
Proof. exact col_permutation_2. Qed.

Lemma col_permut321 : A B C, Col A B C Col C B A.
Proof. exact col_permutation_3. Qed.

Lemma col123_124__col134 : P Q A B,
  P Q Col P Q A Col P Q B Col P A B.
Proof. exact col_transitivity_1. Qed.

Lemma col123_124__col234 : P Q A B,
  P Q Col P Q A Col P Q B Col Q A B.
Proof. exact col_transitivity_2. Qed.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict : A B C P Q,
 ¬Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Par_strict A B Q P.
Name x the symmetric of P wrt Q.
assert (¬ Col A P C) by (intro; search_contradiction).
assert (Parallelogram_strict A P C x) by (apply mid_plgs with Q;finish).
assert (Cong A x B P) by (assert_paras_perm; assert_pars_perm; assert_all; eCong).
assert (Par A x B P) by (assert_paras_perm; assert_pars_perm; apply par_col2_par with P C; finish).
assert (HElim : Parallelogram A x B P Parallelogram A x P B) by (apply par_cong_plg_2; assumption).

induction HElim.

 assert_paras_perm; assert_pars_perm.
 Name M the intersection of the diagonals (A B) and (x P) of the parallelogram H15.

apply par_strict_col2_par_strict with x P;
try solve[assert_paras_perm; assert_pars_perm; assert_all; Col].
apply ncol123_plg__pars1423; auto; intro; apply H.
assert (P x) by (intro; treat_equalities; Col).
apply col_permut231; apply col123_124__col234 with P;
[| |apply col_permut231]; auto.
apply col_permut231; apply col123_124__col134 with Q; auto.
apply col_permut231; apply col123_124__col134 with x;
[|apply col_permut321|apply col_permut132]; auto.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux : A B C P Q R,
 ¬Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par_strict A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q .
Proof with finish.
Name x the symmetric of P wrt Q.
assert (¬ Col A P C) by (intro; search_contradiction).
assert (Parallelogram_strict A P C x) by (apply mid_plgs with Q;finish).
assert (Cong A x B P) by eCong.
assert (Par A x B P) by (apply par_col2_par with P C; finish).
assert (HElim : Parallelogram A x B P Parallelogram A x P B) by (apply par_cong_plg_2; assumption).

induction HElim.

 Name M the intersection of the diagonals (A B) and (x P) of the parallelogram H28.

assert (Par P Q A B) by (apply par_col_par_2 with x; finish).

apply par_not_col_strict with x...
 apply H.


Lemma triangle_par_mid : A B C P Q,
 ¬ Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Par A B Q P
 Col Q A C
 Midpoint Q A C.
assert (H:=playfair_s_postulate_implies_midpoint_converse_postulate);
unfold midpoint_converse_postulate in H; intros; apply H with B P; Col.
unfold playfair_s_postulate.
apply parallel_uniqueness.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_1 : A B C P Q R,
 ¬Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par_strict A B Q P Cong A R P Q.
assert (Par_strict A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux with C; assumption).
split; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_2 : A B C P Q R,
 ¬Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par_strict A B Q P Cong B R P Q.
assert (Par_strict A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux with C; assumption).
split; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_simp :
  A B C P Q,
 ¬ Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Par_strict A B Q P.
apply triangle_mid_par.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_strict_cong : A B C P Q R,
 ¬Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par_strict A B Q P Par_strict A C P R Par_strict B C Q R
 Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q Cong A Q P R Cong C Q P R Cong B P Q R Cong C P Q R.
Proof with finish.
assert (Par_strict A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux with C; assumption).
assert (Par_strict A C R P Cong A Q P R Cong C Q P R)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux with B; Col).
assert (Par_strict C B Q R Cong C P R Q Cong B P R Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_strict_cong_aux with A; Col).

repeat split...

Lemma triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux : A B C P Q R,
 B A
 Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q.
Proof with finish.

elim (eq_dec_points A C); intro.

  split; try eCong.
  perm_apply (col_par)...

elim (eq_dec_points B C); intro.
  split; try eCong.
  perm_apply (col_par)...

elim (eq_dec_points A P); intro.
  assert (Col A B Q) by ColR.
  perm_apply (col_par).
  split; eCong.

Name x the symmetric of P wrt Q.

elim (eq_dec_points P x); intro.
  treat_equalities; intuition.

assert (Parallelogram A P C x) by (apply mid_plg_1 with Q;finish).
assert (Cong A x B P) by eCong.
assert (Par A x B P) by (apply par_col2_par with P C; finish).

assert (HElim : Parallelogram A x B P Parallelogram A x P B) by (apply par_cong_plg_2; assumption).

induction HElim.

 Name M the intersection of the diagonals (A B) and (x P) of the parallelogram H19.

 assert (Par P Q A B) by (apply par_col_par_2 with x; finish).
 repeat split; try eCong...

Lemma triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_1 : A B C P Q R,
 B A
 Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par A B Q P Cong A R P Q.
assert (Par A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux with C; assumption).
split; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_2 : A B C P Q R,
 B A
 Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par A B Q P Cong B R P Q.
assert (Par A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q)
  by (apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux with C; assumption).
split; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_flat_cong : A B C P Q R,
 B A
 C A
 C B
 Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par A B Q P Par A C P R Par B C Q R
 Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q Cong A Q P R Cong C Q P R Cong B P Q R Cong C P Q R.
Proof with finish.
assert (Par A B Q P Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q) by (apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux with C; assumption).
assert (Par A C R P Cong A Q P R Cong C Q P R) by (apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux with B; Col).
assert (Par C B Q R Cong C P R Q Cong B P R Q) by (apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux with A; Col).

repeat split...

Lemma triangle_mid_par_flat : A B C P Q,
 B A
 Col A B C
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Par A B Q P.
elim (midpoint_existence A B); intro R; intro.
assert (HTMT := triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_aux A B C P Q R H H0 H1 H2 H3); spliter.

Lemma triangle_mid_par : A B C P Q,
 A B
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Par A B Q P.

elim (Col_dec A B C); intro.
  apply triangle_mid_par_flat with C; finish.

  apply par_strict_par; apply triangle_mid_par_strict with C; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_cong : A B C P Q R,
 B A
 C A
 C B
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par A B Q P Par A C P R Par B C Q R
 Cong A R P Q Cong B R P Q Cong A Q P R Cong C Q P R Cong B P Q R Cong C P Q R.

elim (Col_dec A B C); intro.
  apply triangle_mid_par_flat_cong; assumption.

  assert (HTMT := triangle_mid_par_strict_cong A B C P Q R H5 H2 H3 H4); spliter.
  repeat split; try apply par_strict_par; assumption.

Lemma triangle_mid_par_cong_1 : A B C P Q R,
 C B
 Midpoint P B C
 Midpoint Q A C
 Midpoint R A B
 Par B C Q R Cong B P Q R .
perm_apply (triangle_mid_par B C A Q R);finish.
induction (Col_dec A B C).
 assert (Par C B Q R Cong B P R Q).
  apply (triangle_mid_par_flat_cong_2 C B A R Q P);finish.
 assert (HTMT := triangle_mid_par_strict_cong A B C P Q R H3 H0 H1 H2); spliter.

End TriangleMidpointsTheorems.